You’re not alone if you’re concerned that you’re not producing sufficient breast milk for your baby.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 75% of new mothers begin lactation their babies, but several stops either permanently or temporarily within the first few months. Concerns about totally inadequate milk production are one of the most common reasons for this. Your milk supply is fine for many women. If you do need to boost your breast milk production, there are some options. How to boost breast milk is a big question.

There are different ways of boosting breast milk.

Breastfeed more frequently

Breastfeed frequently and let your newborn decide when to pause.

When your baby suckles your chest, hormones are released that cause your breasts to produce more milk. That’s the “let-down” reflex at work. The let-down reflex occurs shortly after your baby starts breastfeeding when the muscles in your breasts contract and push the milk through the duct system. The more frequently you breastfeed, the more milk your breasts produce.

Both sides should be breastfed.

At each feeding, have your baby nourish from both breasts. Allow your baby to feed on the first breast until they stop or slow down before moving on to the second. Breastfeeding both breasts can help increase milk production by stimulating them. Pumping milk from both breasts at the same time has also been reported to boost milk production and fat content in the milk.